This pack works with any Minecraft version above 1.14 (including betas) and works with any other resource/texture packs. Don't confuse this with block rotations, this only rotates textures of blocks.
You can take a look at image examples bellow.
A village:

Fance blocks:

Door blocks:

Brick blocks:

Some miscellaneous blocks:

If you want to join our great community, get involved in development via polls/feedback or report any bug or issue, make sure to join our Discord Server.
This resource pack was made by Studio IceCraft and is restricted under this license. If you wish to share this content, make sure to credit with link to this post!
Enjoy playing with this resource pack! 🙂
Supported are all MC Bedrock versions that are above 1.14 including beta.
How to install:
- Go to the mediafire download page.
- Select file you want to download (.mcpack or .zip)
- Download it.
- Open/extract it depending on the file format.