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Steel Texture Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Steel Texture Pack

This Texture pack to put it simply replaces all diamond items from weapons and armor, to the simple enchantment table to a item called steel a darker grey iron texture. This is for those that want a more realistic looking armor set to a bright blue player

The items changed are:

Diamond_hoe = Steel hoe

Horse_armor_diamond = Steel horse armor

Diamond_sword = Steel sword

Diamond_axe = Steel axe

Diamond_pickaxe = Steel pickaxe

Diamond_shovel = Steel shovel

Enchanment table = (has steel corners)

Diamond_block = Block of steel

Diamond_ore = Steel ore

Reference Images:

This is the items in game showing how they look. “The horse armour also shows on the horse”

This is a comparison between stone to iron to steel to show how the texture differs.

It looks way different to diamond as shown

The items have also been named in creative and in survival appropriately so it won’t appear as diamond gear

I have also added a small easter egg of the shield texture to match my skin… enjoy


Supported Minecraft versions

1.11 - 1.12 - 1.13 +

Topic starter Posted : 12/08/2019 4:32 pm