This is a 16x16 resource pack, mostly orange and for some buttons i remover the border. I used the new textures of minecraft in my pack and i imported a orange tinted trident! If you wanna check it out, link is in this description!
Here is the 'home screen' and when you press a button its orange in default
I have the quick options!, or is it called settings?
This is the default like walking.
This is the flying on a touch screen.
I even retextured the trident!
DOWNLOAD LINK ---> _'s+pack.mcpack
Provide Pictures will get more people download your pack
Provide Pictures will get more people download your pack
Yup, you're right
This is a cool try, but the new textures from the java edition have been ported to this version (the bedrock) but is already full of bugs and missing textures, and more important : this is not made for the beta, so this is even more glitched :/ you should make a version for non-beta aquatic update, is should work just fine, and if you want to re-make this pack without missing textures from the new texture pack, the X Tra Vanilla texture pack should work just fine, you just have to add the buttons textures and stuff :p
Oh and sry for my bad english, I'm french