
Vanilla Deluxe: Leg...
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Vanilla Deluxe: Legacy Console UI (for v1.20.80 only)

Active Member

Important: Read carefully before download and use!

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is only viable to use it in 1080p resolution with GUI scale -1 (or 0 if screen safe area is set in 0.0), for 720p pixel height format I will bring it later. And it only works for version (v1.20.80 only).


Vanilla Deluxe: Legacy Console UI

(Codename: Project 4JD UI)

Before "Modified Vanilla: Console UI Pack". A legacy console UI design for Minecraft Bedrock Edition.

Actually, is an "unofficial" testing/experimental museum resource pack that would change some UI designs, and the goal of this project is convert from default UI to high accuracy 4JD (Legacy Console) UI TP for Bedrock Edition users, replacing some designs to look more similar!
The UI design was originally made by Julie "Danger" Kennedy from 4J Studios! I simply recreate the UI port/adaptation for Bedrock Edition. ;D.
For now, it will be designated only for High-end PC Windows 10 or Last Gen Consoles.
All features:
  • Legacy Console Edition UI designs with 70% accurate.
  • Main screens, menus and inventories have been modified, not all, but I will add more screens in future versions!
  • Some UI customizations by "ui/_global_variables.json".
  • Included Museum UI Mode (Classic), with more accuracy version for Creative screen.

 Supported Languages:

  • English (en_US)(Main)
  • Spanish of Mexico (es_MX)(WIP)
  • Japanese (ja_JP)(WIP)
  • Russian (ru_RU)(WIP)(Thanks umioMikket)





For the enthusiasts who want more experience, you can use "Console Aspects" and "Console Shading", on top of the main pack! ;D

Rules to test

The only prerequisite before testing is:

  • To have High-end PC with Windows 10 Installed.
  • Or to have Xbox Series S/X or PS5 console.

Otherwise, the bug report will likely be ignored (So, don't do it if you have mobile device).

It is highly recommended to use only with the Xinput control, the use with keyboard and mouse will work partially.

At the moment, you can:

  • Test and report bugs.
  • Make reviews about Project 4JD UI if you want. (At your own risk)

You can't:

  • Redistribute the current version to other pages.

Known Issues

  • In Trade v2 screen, at the moment it is not supported for use on third-party servers, and when using gamepad, the accuracy is not 100%.
  • At the moment, it is not recommended for use with another resource pack, much less when applied to a single world.
  • The modified "Create World", "You died!" and "Achievements" screen can't be worked anymore due new UI engine (can't be changed though resource packs).
  • Obviously, you can't use it with other resource packs that have modified UI. You will have to wait for me to make it compatible in a possible way.

Terms of Use:

You’re allowed to:

  • Make review about this pack, as long as you credit me as “@CrisXolt”. And put original download link in description (This MCBedrock Community Forum post, NO Mediafire).

You’re NOT allowed to:

  • Make customized APK/APPX and monetized content (pirate modifications), no one will have the permission.
  • Redistribute this resource pack made by me in other pages.

If you have any more questions about this, please let me know by sending a message on discord server: CrisXolt's Refuge.


Click to show:
  1. On the Mediafire page, click the download button to get the file.
  2. Settings > Global Resources > Apply the resource pack.
  3. Enjoy the VDX: 4JD UI! ;D


Download v1.0.2 [April/27/2024]

For v1.20.80:

[Bstlar.][Adaptive Mode v1.0.2]

NOTE: For museum version, the rewrite version (3rd gen) is required, so wait! 😉


Click to show:

v1.0.2 [April/27/2024] (1.20.80)


  • Added Smithing tabble v2 (1.20), Hanging Sign (1.20), and Crafter Redstone (1.21).
  • Added more options from new versions, more options will be added in the future.
  • Customize Touch Controls (Experimental).


  • Unfortunately, "You died!" screen will automatically be removed permanently because the new Ore UI version will be implemented in BE v1.20.80. It won't be possible to fix, so don't ask!


  • Updated for 1.20.80 and 1.21 beta/preview, but still not perfect or minimum visual bugs.
  • Updated gamepad tooltip textures into recent version, thanks AgentMindStorm (@agentms_)!
  • Fixed a bug when selecting a recipe while using controller cursor (using only stick).
  • Selected recipe even if there's no ingredients to craft, the texture now is the same as red one.
  • Resolved visual bugs related to the HUD.
    • The error not displaying correctly on the scoreboard has been resolved.
    • A missing textured panel has been removed in the recent version.
    • Added dash bar for camel.

Special Thanks:

Julie "Danger" Kennedy (from 4J Studios) for original UI design!

AgentMindStorm (@agentms_) for some resources, Panorama BG, UI SFX, and controller tooltip textures.

@LukasPAH for Custom item durability bar explanation.

EckoSoldier for still trusting me.

And Nico (Agent #63) (my partner) for lending me resources to test things so I could perfectly recreate the UI.

Final note:

Seriously, those default .json UI files is made originally by Mojang and Microsoft, UI design by 4J Studios, actually are re-made by me for entertainment purposes.

Just enjoy and good luck! ;D


This topic was modified 2 years ago 3 times by CrisXolt
This topic was modified 11 months ago 6 times by CrisXolt
This topic was modified 10 months ago by CrisXolt
Topic starter Posted : 02/05/2018 3:15 am
New Member

I was wondering if there was any update on this pack, if the updated pack could have a unique UUID as to not have to delete the previous pack to not have the "duplicate pack detected" message pop op.

Posted : 17/06/2018 9:05 pm
New Member

The UI pack is currently broken on the latest version of Minecraft. [1.6.0]

Posted : 09/09/2018 6:37 am
New Member

This is honestly incredible. I know this is a dumb question but do you think it will ever make it's way to the store if they let you? It would be great to see this pack on actual consoles! Either way I'm excited to at least be able to use this pack on my PC and play it like the good ol' days. It really blows my mind to see that fans seem to do a better job than developers at times.

Posted : 09/03/2019 12:15 pm
New Member

Hello, i have seen this pack from alot of youtubers and i think it looks really cool. I just want to ask one thing: Could you please add a "beta" download or something like that? Maybe some experts in creating texture packs or some random people could help you make this UI faster. Thanks in advance!

Posted : 26/03/2019 5:55 pm
New Member


"And I still don't know when I'll give it the beta, it's still under development. D;"

Posted : 23/12/2019 12:47 am
New Member

hewo when releasing it december 2022 now

Posted : 03/12/2022 4:16 pm
CatsSomeCat reacted
New Member

This is cool thank you 😀

Posted : 02/01/2023 9:05 am
New Member

Where is the link to download?

Posted : 06/02/2023 10:36 pm
New Member

Hey might wanna fix this but the inventory is at the bottom not where the console wouldve been please know I love this its just that bug makes this a bit annoying

Posted : 01/06/2023 2:27 am
New Member

When you use a smith table you cannot put in armor trims and the netherite upgrade template making it impossible to use. Signs automatically exit the typing screen making it impossible to type anything on the sign. 

Posted : 26/06/2023 12:58 am
Trusted Member

@phandox Although it's not a perfect fix, you can "quick move" an object into the trim/template slot in the smithing table. It will disappear and you have to exit the screen to take it out, but you can put the tool/armor in the first slot and the material in the ingot slot and it will let you do trims. You can't preview it though.


The sign issue is really annoying. Hoping for an update someday!

Posted : 13/01/2024 7:19 pm
McBedrock reacted
Illustrious Member Admin


Posted : 30/04/2024 2:56 pm