Blood-Forest (Horror) Resource Pack V. 4.1
Blood-Forest resource pack is free to use for playing custom map and survival, the pack present as a tons of dark, blood, eerie, weird things. Some texture base from John Smith Legend

About the pack:
Back then in 1.8 there aren't many horror texture pack, people ask me to release the one I use for my horror map and it update follow the things I have done. This may not be the best horror texture pack anymore, but still for a quick use of Halloween or to scare your friend. I hope it still worth of trying it out. Right now I did no longer made horror map so the pack was abandon. Don't hope much for an update.
Important: Free Royalty, Allowed Full Edit. As long as you credit me (Zucth, and this pack name: Blood-Forest)
2.0 review :
3.0 review :
3.4 review teaser :
3.6 review :
Any map that use this texture?
1. The Unknown II (using 3.0 i think)
2. Cracked-memory (I Dunno what version the creator use)
3. Spooky House "Blood-Massage" (using 1.0 or 1.1 I'm not sure)
4. Soul Diary (3.7.7)

Creator: Zucth (Twitter)
Can use for mcpe version or above
(The Picture are showing: Mansion Scene, The End City /// Feature Image: Ruins)

Creator Note (07/31/2021)
I'm no longer update this pack after 1.12, due to the work. Its been two years since I last the update for, Tbh I already abandon it by many reason. Cut the story short, Someone ask me for a tons of texture which is free royalty. It remind of this pack and other pack I use in abandon project which never get released. I pack it up and let you guy feel free to use this pack the way you want. Just remember to credit me. Today, I was just clean it up and leave it to your guys hand.
3.9 - 4.0 link is no longer work. change a lot in a better way under two years. I don't understand how to used it anymore xD. (I have trouble with dropbox guys backups. Feel free to contact me: Twitter @Zuc16th, if you had any trouble or need any help.)
Clean up and make the final update, give community the full control, Free Royalty are allowed.
-add abandon texture in the "other png/free pack" folder (was used in the abandon project.)
3.9 - 4.0 link is no longer work. change a lo t in a better way under two years. I don't understand how to remove it anymore.