Darnos 32x PvP Texture Pack
This pack gives every device a MAJOR FPS BOOST! In this pack you have options for 16x, and 32x. There are also hit particles now that are toggleable on and off! This pack works for both Java and Bedrock all with 3.6MB.
Nature + Hotbar




Natural Resources


Ores, Blocks, and Rails


Main Screen


If there are any issues please reply or DM me on twitter ( @Nosity4 ) and I will try my BEST to fix them for you 🙂
– DO NOT go into the files and steal/look into anything
– YOU MAY make videos on this pack as long as this link is in the description of the video
How To Download: Click on "Download Darnos 32x" and it will take you do Mediafire, form there ONLY click DOWNLOAD in blue
If your on Java and you want to download this pack, visit my website and click "Download" over this pack: My Website
Added Deluxe version that offers
- More togglable skies, 64x Japanese letter hit particles, better golden apple, tools, toggleable Japanese Wool, Better inventory, and a "Version: Deluxe" badge all for ($0.50)
To purchase "Version: Deluxe," DM me on Discord: Nosity#1939 or Twitter: @Nosity4