Depixel Bedrock Lite
By popular and constantly growing demand, we decided to publicly release Depixel Bedrock Lite, free of any cost, complete with block and item textures. We'd like you to experience Depixel on your platform of choice and join our community.
What is it about?
Discover the classic, well known Minecraft in double as much details. Previously known as Default 32x32, Depixel brings you a smooth, consistent experience with a touch of realism, keeping the Vanilla style in all its glory. If you’re a fan of Vanilla look, there is nothing that you won’t recognize, even if you’ve never used Depixel.

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Usage Guidelines

Depixel Bedrock Lite [0.17.06 R2] [1.17 Update & New Subpack System]
Added Isotropic
- Anvil
- Bee Nest (top, bottom)
- Bone Block (top, bottom)
- Hay Block (top, bottom)
- Carpets
- Cauldron (top, bottom)
- Chorus Flower
- Chorus Plant
- Concrete
- Concrete Powder
- Crafting Table (top)
- Lodestone (top, bottom)
- Polished Basalt (top, bottom)
- Respawn Anchor (top, bottom)
- Scaffolding (top, bottom)
- Slime Block
- Target Block
- TNT (top)
- Web
- Wool
Removed Isotripic
- Red Sandstone (bottom)
Tweaked Anvil (all types)
Entity (Fixes)
- Glow Squid
- Zombie Piglin
- Zombie Villager
Items (Fixes)
- Raw Rabbit
- Blocks
- Terrain
Sounds (Tweaks)
- All types of Nether bricks blocks and stairs (stone > nether_brick)
- Bee Hive (stone > wood)
- Bee nest (stone > wood)
- Beetroot (wood > grass)
- Brewing stand (stone > metal)
- Campfire (stone > wood)
- Cauldron (stone > metal)
- Chorus plant (stone > wood)
- Chorus flower (stone > wood)
- Comparator (wood > stone)
- Coral (stone > coral)
- End Portal (stone > glass)
- End Gateway (stone > glass)
- End Portal Frame (glass > stone)
- Kelp (grass > slime)
- Melon stem (wood > stem)
- Pumpkin stem (wood > stem)
- Redstone Dust (stone > sand)
- Repeater (wood > stone)
- Seagrass (grass > slime)
- Sponge (grass > cloth)
- Tripwire (stone > cloth)
- Tripwire Hook (stone > wood)
- Web (stone > cloth)
Depixel Bedrock Lite [0.17.06 R2] [1.17 Update & New Subpack System]
Added Isotropic
- Anvil
- Bee Nest (top, bottom)
- Bone Block (top, bottom)
- Hay Block (top, bottom)
- Carpets
- Cauldron (top, bottom)
- Chorus Flower
- Chorus Plant
- Concrete
- Concrete Powder
- Crafting Table (top)
- Lodestone (top, bottom)
- Polished Basalt (top, bottom)
- Respawn Anchor (top, bottom)
- Scaffolding (top, bottom)
- Slime Block
- Target Block
- TNT (top)
- Web
- Wool
Removed Isotripic
- Red Sandstone (bottom)
Tweaked Anvil (all types)
Entity (Fixes)
- Glow Squid
- Zombie Piglin
- Zombie Villager
Items (Fixes)
- Raw Rabbit
- Blocks
- Terrain
Sounds (Tweaks)
- All types of Nether bricks blocks and stairs (stone > nether_brick)
- Bee Hive (stone > wood)
- Bee nest (stone > wood)
- Beetroot (wood > grass)
- Brewing stand (stone > metal)
- Campfire (stone > wood)
- Cauldron (stone > metal)
- Chorus plant (stone > wood)
- Chorus flower (stone > wood)
- Comparator (wood > stone)
- Coral (stone > coral)
- End Portal (stone > glass)
- End Gateway (stone > glass)
- End Portal Frame (glass > stone)
- Kelp (grass > slime)
- Melon stem (wood > stem)
- Pumpkin stem (wood > stem)
- Redstone Dust (stone > sand)
- Repeater (wood > stone)
- Seagrass (grass > slime)
- Sponge (grass > cloth)
- Tripwire (stone > cloth)
- Tripwire Hook (stone > wood)
- Web (stone > cloth)