Halcyon Days Relived [32x]
The re-release of dark medieval textures that have earned the recognition of many players worldwide! With the Halcyon Days Relived you get in the XII century, when all the buildings was carried out with stone and other ancient materials that in our times looks very epic and unforgettable.
This makes The Halcyon Days Relived pack ideal for creating realistic fortresses, castles, or any other structures you wish to have a more weathered and dated look. Even the gravel will look more textured and true to real life. You will find yourself stunned by the care put into this pack to make each and every detail more appealing and realistic. Halcyon Days Relived texture pack is also one of the very few resource packs that actually boasts improved window visuals.
- [32x]
- Realistic/ Medieval
- 55% Complete

Original JAVA post [ https://www.planetminecraft.com/halcyon-days-relived/ ]
EquinoxBros [PlanetMine]
Credits: ikezou | EquinoxBros | Crisxolt
this pack is licensed under Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share-Alike 4.0, meaning anyone is allowed to modify and/or redistribute it provided that they give proper credit and also release it under the same license.
This Texture was originally created for java by EquinoxBros and ported by Voxed Studio to Bedrock Edition.
We have the creator's permission to do this.
- Going through linkvertise is very simple, just click on "free access with ads" and then complete the steps. When you finish the steps, you will be taken to mediafire.
- If you record a video of this texture pack, leave a link in the description that brings you here. Do not place direct links or place shorteners on top of the link.
- Do not distribute unfairly or without my permission.
creator: https://twitter.com/VoxedStudio