Ozocraft Remix - Bedrock Port (UPDATED TO 1.20.1) - BETA UPDATE
Ozocraft Remix is a 32x32 fan updated texture pack picking up where the original Ozocraft left off around 1.14 (ish). As far back as I could remember, it has been my favorite "go to" resource pack as it provides a rustic feel that isn't overkill. This isn't a hyper realistic texture pack, it's a nice middle ground in a resolution that seems to be ignored. Updated textures and format corrections for the latest version of Minecraft are included, bringing the texture pack up to speed.There are minor adjustments still to be made over time, but as of this release, it seems to be complete for this version. Some discrepancies may exist for newer items as I figure out how I'd like to address them. That being said, this is the custom pack that I personally use as my daily driver in Minecraft. Along with the typical updates and setup for Optifine features, I've included Better Trees.
- OZO (Original Pack)
- Dawn_TM (Updates)
- Aeonix Aeon (myself for recent parity)
John Smith Legacy and Faithful 32 textures are used to fill in blanks, Doku provided the running water (originally) along with some custom textures that I've made to match the original Ozocraft. If in the event that John Smith Legacy or Faithful clashes with the Ozocraft "feel", I redo the texture from scratch. The result is that this pack keeps the overall feel of Ozocraft while making it usable on more recent releases. Updates to this pack will come as I find time.
As Ozocraft is effectively "abandonware", you have full permission to make updates yourself so long as you retain the proper credits. Effectively, Ozocraft Remix is for people who aren't "all in" for John Smith, and Dokucraft is a bit overkill. This is why it became the middle ground that many people came to love.

I have permission to port this texture pack to Bedrock

- UPDATED OzoCraft Remix To 1.19.2
- Fixed Doors and Trap Doors (Blocks and Items)
- Fixed Rabbit Stew & Suspicious Stew
- End Portal Texture Revamp
- UPDATED OzoCraft Remix To 1.19.4
- Updated Signs (New Look) + Prepare for Hanging Signs
- Updated Cherry and Bamboo Blocks in Prep for 1.20
- Fixed Saddle and Phantom Membrane (Reverted them by accident)
- Added Camel
Other 1.20 Preparations will occur after 1.20 is settled and released.
*Note - The creator may redo the signs again later for legibility. He has not decided yet.
- UPDATED OzoCraft Remix To 1.20.1 (BETA)
- Updated Links To The New 1.20.1 Pack
Caught up with most parity for items etc
- Cherry Items
- Bamboo Items
- Signs (Hanging)
- Sniffer, Egg
- Pitcher Flower and TorchFlower
- Pottery Shards, Brush, Suspicious Sand etc
- Camel
- Armor Trims*
- Templates
*Note - Armor Trims are added in this version but may clash with the custom armor from Ozocraft Remix.
Also, Helmet Trims may not show through second layer of helmets. The creator chose not to take away the Ozocraft armors.
1.20.1 version should work backwards to 1.20 (obviously).
This is a release version but the creator may have missed some items along the way, so there will always be random updates.
I didn't see anything for the new Sculk so I just assume it's internal combo with Amethyst and Recolored Restone.

Automatic Installation
Just Download My Pack. Once Complete. Right Click The Downloaded File -> Open With -> Minecraft

Manual Installation
Right Click The Downloaded File And Extract With Your Desired Program (I USE WINRAR)
Then Copy The Required Files To The Correct Folders Below
C:\Users\(your pc username)\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\resource_packs
C:\Users\(your pc username)\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\behaviour_packs

Important Info About Behaviour & Resource Folders
Make Sure To Put Behaviour Folders In "behaviour_packs:
Make Sure To Put Resource Folders In "resource_packs"
