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Short Swords (Resource Pack)
This makes all 5 of the swords have a shorter blade and handle. This could be useful for PvP on servers.
Available for 16×16 and 32×32.
- 16×16 version was based off of vanilla textures.
- 32×32 version was based off of Faithful textures.
Download page changes and fixes:
- Fixed installation description.
- Fixed website link.
- Changed featured image.
- Fixed brief introduction.
- Fixed description.
(Nothing has changed in-game, will make a Netherite addition once beta is out.)
Has been tested on Windows 10, Xbox and Android, but should work on everything else as it only changes textures.
This may not be compatible with other resource packs that change sword textures. If the textures don't show up then place this above any other packs.
Creator: bogily wogily
Topic starter Posted : 19/02/2020 6:57 pm