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Sir.Pancakes SCP Resource Pack
Hello there, I am Sir.Pancakes and this is my resource pack!
Sir.Pancakes SCP Resource Pack is a texture pack for builders around the world that want to build a facility from the SCP Foundation but can’t find a decent texture pack
Anyone is allowed to use this texture pack for there map, but if they make videos or publish there map with the texture pack I must be credited rather in the description, comment Section, or the credits of the map
Some of the blocks and doors
Miscellaneous and some more blocks
Some of the possible designs you can make with this pack
Now for the rules
Rules and crediting with this pack
1. You may edit the texture pack FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.
2. You must credit me if you are using the texture pack for a map, and video that are being published to the public.
3. Be cool and follow the rules 🙂
I hope all of you make great use of this texture pack and enjoy it.
- Added more blocks
- Changed a few blocks
- Changed the link
Topic starter Posted : 13/08/2020 12:35 pm