Sketched 32x [By DFergxz] - Java and Bedrock -
Sketched 32x is a all-in-one texture pack for both Minecraft Bedrock and Java. Currently Updated for Minecraft 1.18
Note: In this case all-in-one means that you can download and extract the texture pack then place the folder into either one of the Resource pack folders (Bedrock: resource_packs / Java: resourcepacks.) and it will work. I also have a Mcpack format file for a more simple install for Bedrock users who rather not mess with the folders.
I hope you enjoy my pack and feel free to check for updates as I plan to keep this pack up to date.
Also, alternatively you can visit my site for updates as they come along.
I have been working on this project for a little under 2 years now with many variations under different names. SK3TCHED, Scribble Dibbles, and Vanilla². This being the final version of the pack. Always wanting my own variation of the Vanilla textures, and inspired by creators of packs like Barebones and Faithful I settled on a more subtle change... Giving each of the textures an almost coloring book styled look.

creator: DFergxz
- Provided better description to what an all-in-one pack is.
- Added website to the description.
Note: This pack has been modified as a single download that will work with both Java and Bedrock versions of the game.
- Download the ZIP file if you'd like to install on Java, or need to manually add it to the resource pack folder for Bedrock.
- Download the MCPack for instant install on Bedrock with Windows 10.
Install steps vary based on what device and version of Minecraft you are playing.