Tales of Gaia (Update!)
Tales of Gaia, its a texture pack that can help you build things in almost every time period or place! It comes with an assortment of pillars, bricks, colors, glass, and more! This pack is inspired by bothA Little Taste of JermandJermsyBoy’s Vanilla Editsby JermsyBoy. It also has an add-on called “Gaia Expanded“!



Double Slabs
Update 1:
Update 2:
That is just a portion of the pack there so much more to explore yourself in game!
Note : All textures are made by me. If showcasing or used in any projects be sure to leave a link. Please use the link for this McBedrock page, do not use your own link. Do Not Re-post This Without Proper Credits And Permission. If you are using the add-on just put this over the resource pack for the add-on.
Changed swamp fog
Yellow birch leaves
White birch leaves in snowy biomes
Orange birch leaves in birch forests
Pink birch leaves in jungle biomes
Better rounded logs
Better spruce and jungle stripped logs
Better warped nylium
Snowy mossy cobblestone double slab
Removed highlights from spruce doors
Better basalt
Better endstone
Oak log walls replace endstone walls
Better Gravel
Better cut and chiseled, red and normal sandstone
Lighter andesite
Better red and normal sandstone walls
Better wooden pressure plates and fences
Birch bark fence replaces acacia fence