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MCPE/Bedrock Player Model NPC (Texture Pack)

Illustrious Member Admin

Player Model NPC (Texture Pack)


Are you bored with NPC models and skins? Well, with this resource pack the NPCs will get the model of a normal player with new skins.

This resource pack does not affect the interface or npC behaviors at all so they will maintain their same function, only with fun new models and skins.

(Several of the skins added in this resource pack are shared by the




©Team Cubitos MC


Are you bored or do not like the models of the NPCs in Minecraft? Well, with this resource pack the NPCs will get the model of a normal player and with different skins that you can also modify for the ones you want.

This resource pack does not affect at all the interface or the behaviors of the NPCs so they will keep their same function, only with new and fun models and skins.

Most of the skins added in this resource pack are public, shared by the community. The goal of this resource pack is that you can have a player model on the npc's so you can put your own skins.

How to get the NPCs?
To get an NPC you have to be in creative and with the cheats activated and then you can execute any of these 2 commands in the chat:

/give @p spawn_egg 1 51
/summon npc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Finally and as a bonus, NPCs now have walking animations and slight arm movements when static (The walking animation can only be seen by executing this command in repeat mode: /execute as @e[type=npc] at @s run tp ~ ~ ~0.08 )

You can replace the skins with the one you want, just go to the following path in your world to replace the skins: /resource_packs/Resource_Palyer_Model_NPC/textures/entity/npc.

(The skin that you replace must keep the same name that it has by default)





- Fixed the problem that was not working in the current versions
- Added 40 new skins
- Now there are models with thin and wide arms
- Equipped items are now displayed correctly.




How to install texture in our worlds?

• Download and install Mcpack

• Activate the resource package you installed in your global configuration and you're done.

Doubts and suggestions?

Visit our website!

(If you share this work, please honor the original link to the website post of: Cubitos MC. That would greatly help us value our work and provide more information about the content and our team. Do not use direct links. "Thank you! "

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Topic starter Posted : 27/07/2020 1:40 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 02/02/2023 4:42 pm