Hey Minecrafters, Im posting this thread because im currently looking for mcpe players to participate in my skywars tournament Next Wednesday the 20th at 3pm my time! if your interested be sure to contact me via discord! Discord is like a voice and text chat for gamers! My discord username is Redstone mechanic boy#2875! We will have alot of fun in my Gaming Team called the Redstoners! We are a crew starting our 1st ever redstone project june 21st! Be sure to add me via xbox,My gamertag is YTredstoneplayz! We are currently working with some equations by using Y=mx+b to help our team get a start to our redstone project! If our team wins the skywars tournament,We may make the finals which are held on Sunday septmber 2nd 2018 at 2:00pm Central time! we are currently in prepartaion for the big tournament by doing alot of practices In time for the big game! We ae hoping you guys can come and join our crew and help us prepare for the tournament! When we get in the finals,We will have a pratice round on the 1st of september so we can make sure everyone is ready! If we have any haters messing with our crew,we are gonna have to give them a taste of their own medicen and take them out with our very own unique superpower,AKA The JumpAttack,Which is a great superpower in my opinion For more information,You can go ahead and email me over at [email protected].
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Topic starter Posted : 10/06/2018 10:33 am