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MCPE/Bedrock Adventure Legend Map

Illustrious Member Admin

Adventure Legend Map


As you well know in minecraft bedrock there are not many adventure maps, so with a lot of effort and taking 2 months to do it, I bring you ADVENTURE LEGEND an adventure map with many biomes and bosses in each biome of the adventure and if that were not enough even with story !!WHO DOESN´T LIKE MAPS WITH BOSS FIGHT!!

To start with this great map you have to know some basic things about what it is about, once you start the story will also do it when you are already in the lobby you will have to enter the portal that is right there and five biomes or chapters and you will have to go one by one when they finish biomes the next one will also do it and so on

As i had already mentioned, this map has boss fights to be precise, there are 5 bosses that you can face, but before you can get to them you will have to go through hostile mobs, the guardians of each biome, when you meet the challenges and the minigames you can get there against the boss and defeat him to continue advancing

As i said before, this map also brings with the challenges and minigames to continue advancing also each time you advance the biome will become much more difficult and with the boss they will also be very difficult and by the way in each biome there will always be a different armor and equipment adapting with the biomes and of course it depends on the biome, the equipment will also be strong


there are two things you have to know and that is that on this map there is a secret room that will open a new fight against another much stronger boss


Also don't be surprised if they die a lot since avoiding dying is impossible

Spanish map trailer

if this map has a good welcome, it will continue with the map (no update) if not, it will be a continuation with the story with a defferent map (the same story of the map)


just download the map is in mediafire, then go to your file manager (recommended es filer explorer) find the map then unzip the file and move it to the following folder, ANDROID/DATA/COM.MOJANG/GAMES/minecraftWorlds. and ready they will have the map ready to play

Topic starter Posted : 20/06/2022 5:46 pm