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MCPE/Bedrock MS | Darkness (Horror)

Illustrious Member Admin

MS | Darkness (Horror)

MS | Darkness is a short horror map.

Darkness starts off when you and your friend are going to a creepy house on the end of your street for some fun when it goes all wrong and your friend can’t wait for you and goes inside without you. You end up going after him… (Hint: If you find him, well your in for a surprise!)

Hope you enjoy. This took our map more than 5 people in our team to make and more than 3 days. Thanks for reading and why don’t you download the map and enjoy it ?

====== WARNING ======                                                                                                                  If your bad with jump-scares                                                                                                        then this map will be scary!



We have changed and updated the feature picture for this map.




Note: If ads come up on the sides just press CTR + H and then press clear browsing data -> advanced settings and then select everything but passwords and click clear.

1) Click the Download Map link

2) Click deny on the notifications and wait 5 seconds and then press skip ad

3) Press allow to notifications once redirected (you may remove the notifications after by going into browser settings -> site settings -> notifications and then remove the bee icon notification one).

4) You will be redirected to the media-fire download site after that

Enjoy playing 🙂 

creator: Mana Studios



Topic starter Posted : 28/05/2020 6:56 pm