The Basement (HORROR)
The basement, a place no one would like to be at, But in this map all you do is go to the basement where creepy and weird things happen. Is it a dream? Or is it reality?
This map contains jumpscares that some user may not like and contains uncomfortable content that may disturb some users.
Windows 10/PC: Click on the link and it should take you to Media Fire and you'll see a button that is in green and say DOWNLOAD click that and it should start downloading and once its finished click on it and press open and it should open your Minecraft and start importing the world and then your done.
Android/iOS: Click on the download under "Android / iOS" and it should download and then go to your ES File Explorer and click on downloads --> long hold The Basement.mcworld --> Hit 3 dots in top corner --> Open As --> Click Others --> Select Minecraft --> then it will start importing then your done.
creator: ssbbwii0962