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MCPE/Bedrock The Creeper Pit

Illustrious Member Admin

The Creeper Pit


You are a treasure hunter and after months you have finally found theCreeper pit.A really ancient and forbidden place. The legend says it can contain a huge treasure, so huge you can become the most rich and powerful man in the Kingdom. 

TheCreeper pitis an adventure map that I ideated days ago. I want do a part 2 but I don’t know if you like this tipe of maps. I build it all alone in 2-3 days but I think is really good. There are some photo from the world. 


You can go wherever you want, is open world. 


There are only few photos of the dungeon. The rest is in the map. FIND IT OUT! 

For build the tomb, I find a cave and I rebuild it all, I add something and create some redstone circuits. There are some good! 

If you like riddles and adventure together you find the right map. 



If you want to do a video on this map, please put in the description of your video the link for this page, thank you. 


Add two new links for the map in two different formats:


creator: SmallestSpore79


Topic starter Posted : 01/06/2020 11:27 am