The Fallen Library
The Fallen Library is a suspenseful and exciting adventure world! With a Custom boss and other mobs for some PVE! There are also many mind puzzles to get through to make it too the end! The Fallen Library CAN be played with friends, And you can find a way to cooperate with each other to a Exciting Victory!

The Fallen Library:
A place that leaves you wondering....
How did I ever end up here?
you feel un-easy and unsafe, all you know is -
That you NEED to find a way out now!
You realize there are hidden gadgets available for use
and you can use them to your greatest advantage!

In a dark void of mystery you realize -
all the mobs that are out to get you!
You need too look for clues to get your way out!

Remember, this is an interactive map -
There are tools to help you through certain barriers!
Once you find your way to safety you realize -
There is still NO WAY OUT!

Then you find special items to use against the mobs -
Break the spawner, and BEAT the BOSS

Only shortly after you find the way out
To your destination
To Claim Your Throne!
If used in a video, put the credits and link to the site in the description
Most of all - HAVE FUN!!!!