The Hidden Mine Chapter 1
You were given a letter from a mining company telling you that the hidden Mine was discovered but they are asking one thing from you before you explore the mine. 2 adventurers like yourself have gone missing and you need to find them.
Go on the 3 part adventure going into the hidden mine and find the lost explorers with people you meet during the adventure I hope you enjoy the map but for chapter 2 and 3 I would like to import villager/mob path finding and don’t know how too in bedrock edition please if you know comment it down below the first comment I see that path finding works for will get a thanks in the next map.
Just download the link move it to the desktop and open minecraft and double click the link and there ya go Enjoy my map.
creator: Vorpexy
Is chapter 2 / 3 not created yet.
Only asking as i cannot see them when searching for them.