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MCPE/Bedrock The School: Finding Sophie (Horror) [Adventure] (Puzzles)

Illustrious Member Admin

The School: Finding Sophie (Horror) [Adventure] (Puzzles)


The Story of a father who lost his daughter

In this game you are a father with a daughter named Sophie.

Your Daughter went to school but something wrong happen to your daughter.

And you are here to search for her.

You will become a detective in this game

  • You can run but you can’t hide
  • You can run forever but you can’t escape
  • Do not give him a chance to get you and kill you
  • Explore the building and solve the mystery


Explore the vent


Find two gears


Free yourself from evil


Find different type’s of keys to unlock different type’s of doors


Find the way out

This game is a little bit difficulty

You will need a lot of patience to finish this game

This map is based on my dreams

Not all scene’s is part of my dream I just added them to make the game more challenging

Estimated gameplay time: 15-30 mins or more


This game is tested on low device, turn off the fancy graphics and smooth lighting to reduce lags

but I’m not recommending this game on weak phones


If this map is not working on old version of Minecraft try downloading the latest version of minecraft


How to play? 

Find different keys to unlock different locked doors

Explore the building and search for some stuff in different room

Find a way out and dont let the stranger kill you

You will need the hammer, crowbar, and key to open the exit door 

Find 4 redstone torches and place it correctly in ritual room

Find 2 gears to solve the mystery

You can use /effect command but do not use /give, kill and tp command! 

Do not move while animation is working



Requirements for this map

McBE 1.16.x.x

A powerful device [Mobile Users]

Gamemode – Adventure

Hide Hand – True

Volume – 80-100%

Brightness – 80-100%

Show coordinates – false

Difficulty – any

Natural regeneration – false



This map can be played in multiplayer mode

Put invisibility effects for better experience

!!! But this map is not fully optimized in this mode.


- New animations added

- added 2 new game over scene

- multiplayer compatibility increased [Not Tested]

- adjusted some few commands

- fixed several bugs

- changed items positions

- new room added [The Secret Room] with simple mini game

- added paper clip texture

- Background soud volume increased



Click the link above to start download

After downloading click the file and you will automatically redirected on Minecraft

Again This is not compatible on weak or lower device!!! 



Topic starter Posted : 04/05/2020 10:33 am