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Modern Underground House
Modern Underground House
As this is my third house I made it something special.
A switch that lit up all the lights in the house!
Automatic outside lights?
I forgot to change the mode to survival so you’ve to do it..
I hope you’ll love this map!
A map made with love❤️
Map created by : Leo
And thanks for downloading the map!??
Bird Eye View :
Sit back and Relax
Everything you need to survive in this world.
Modern Kitchen
You see that lever? Use that to turn on all the lights in the home.
Modern Bathroom
I just described briefly about this map in the introduction!
Make sure you're in 1.14 and 1.15 ( beta )
If you're facing any issues tell us in the comments
creator: Leo Mahesh
Topic starter Posted : 19/06/2020 7:09 pm