
MCPE/Bedrock MS Cas...
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MCPE/Bedrock MS Castrøma

Illustrious Member Admin

MS Castrøma


This small cruise ship, the MS Castrøma, is a beautiful cruise, with 5 decks and 55 rooms. It includes terraces and even Jacuzzis. It has a casino, coffee, pools, spa, even a little hospital. You will enjoy it ?


The MS Castrøma has a length of 141 blocks, a wide of 42 blocks and an approximately 48 blocks of height. It also has a capacity of 162 passengers, 10 lifeboats and a lot of public areas. Even if it’s a small cruise it took me around 5 months to finish it (I’m student so i didn’t have so much time), I even created a fake cruise line named BCM Cruises International. I put a lot of effort in this project so I wish you’ll enjoy it as much as I did creating it. As I said before the ship has a lot of features from the engine room to the pool area, I tried to put a lot of attention to details. I hope you will like it and recommend it, thank you.

YouTube video:


Images below:


*Upgraded image quality.

*Added doors to the library and minor changes to the bridge.



If you downloaded the .zip file:

1- Download the file 

2- Extract the file

3- Paste it in games/com. mojang/minecraftWorlds 

4- Enjoy it

If you downloaded the .mcworld file:

1- Tap the file and select open with Minecraft

2- Wait until the world is imported.

3- Enjoy



Topic starter Posted : 21/06/2020 4:55 pm