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MCPE/Bedrock Republic of Lexie City [BETA v1]

Illustrious Member Admin

Republic of Lexie City [BETA v1]


This map was under development for now, but you can have enjoy it with your friends or just by yourself and you can suggest me for more structures or something.


This map is under development, but you can have to enjoy it with your friends or by yourself and also this map was made from the creator of Republic of Clion City

Map Information:

This City map where you can visit and it looks very simple and peaceful and there are Houses Far away from the city by the way there are two cities in one map

This map was my second project and it was founded in October, 18, 2019 and I do it on my OPPO A37f device.

This map was taken too long for 7 months of it (including the delay) but I know you like it and enjoy…

Cities :

1. LEXIE CITY – Capital but in low area there are hospitals, TV Network and the city hall ( I will build a capitol hall soon)

2. SERENITY CITY – in high areas but It will been established soon

Upcoming Cities



And it could be 4 cities in one map so there’s no worry to visit only just one city


Upcoming Structures (It will take a long time but some of them are being recorded)

1. Mall

2. Capitol Hall

3. TV studio

4. Factories

5. Modern Houses (Far away from the city)

6. Simple Houses (Far away)

7. And more buildings to build on..



Thanks to CODANRAIGENXXI for letting me use Road Stuff add-on for this map


Features and Advantage:

-I add more structures and houses 

-Adding Roads to have a good trip also if you ride with a vehicle

– Over 20 Structures are built in this map and some of them are under development

– Had a road signages on it but not fully 


Disadvantage :

-Theres a structure block and I can’t remove it but I wasn’t cheating anyway


Why I’m using structure blocks?

I used structure blocks sometimes for other buildings and roads and it doesn’t mean I’m a cheater and please respect me by using it because it’s just useless if I never do it and I remove the structure block after placed



NOTE Before you download:

You should not be angry if I add sub to unlock link because if you want to subscribe me to my YouTube channel to support me and for more updates but it take more time to upload on it.

BETA 2 snapshot




If you want to have a new structure or something like build anything there, please reply me on Twitter

Twitter: https:/


Add new structure and Some of them are can be viewable

- Added Extensions of Roads

- Add Five and more structures



By Installing and using of this Addon you may agree the Terms and Conditions:

-Review it for your Youtube(please give me a credit using @rmplaysmc_yt, including the channel link)

-You should include this MCBEDROCK link to your video

-This is free to build anything on my map

-build anything for personal use, unless you submitted me a building you made on my Twitter



Supported Minecraft versions

Topic starter Posted : 16/08/2020 7:49 pm