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MCPE/Bedrock Wizard101 Map (Revamped!)

Illustrious Member Admin

Wizard101 Map (Revamped!)


After losing a lot of my progress, I had to go back and re do but also add certain sections that made this this playable.  However, after your long wait, here is an update you have waited for.




Triton Avenue

Crab Alley

Unicorn Way

Deep Warrens

Disclaimer:  This entire map was not made by me.  It was a project started a few years ago by a dedicated Minecraft-Wizard101 Community.  The original Java post still exists if you wanna play it.  All I did was a adapt all the coordinates and world features/generation to Bedrock.  Afterwards I updated it so it looks more in line with the graphics update.  Currently, more updates, including shops and quests are planned to release in the future.




changes featured in this version of the world.  This includes:
  • All wool changed to concrete on roofs
  • Crab Alley decorations and lighting changes
  • Deep Warrens area expanded
  • Deep Warrens decorations completed
  • Crab Alley and Deep Warrens are submerged in water!
  • Teleports now feature weather and time changes to make sky boxes more accurate to the original game
  • Armor Stand NPCs were removed
  • Certain areas were replaced and remodeled in order to give a better aesthetic.
  • Weird artifacts left behind, including certain in-development but non-functional (Certain quests and custom looting system) features were removed.
  • Ravenwood tree's were redone
  • Arena is closed until next update
  • Unicorn Way statue was changed from cobblestone/stone to quartz
  • World Select Area above the commons was removed.

*More to come will appear in this priority: New sewer dungeon, new unicorn way arena, shops, quests, and even a custom behavior and resource pack.



Topic starter Posted : 02/06/2020 3:28 pm