
Rustic Big Mansion ...
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Rustic Big Mansion TLivecraft

Team Infinite Minds
Reputable Member

Old rustic mansion, full of blocks and mysteries, with big rooms and concrete walls design, made for a modern and rustic look, where you can play with friends or alone

The beauty design of this mansion will make your survival better, a good start if you dont want go to chop trees and build stuff, just start with a prefabricated house and hop right into the action. This is nkt finished yet, so please leave ANY idea you have or your opinion in the comments, so i can improve it. In a near future i will add Stereo, farm, sensors, tagging system and a bunch of stuff that i used in my other designs of house, but in a better version.

Share it please! At 2000 shares i will launch the smart update.



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This topic was modified 5 years ago by Team Infinite Minds
Topic starter Posted : 29/01/2020 1:08 am