What type of addons you guys want?
Like i can make one in which villager will trade all removed or hidden items in game like glowing obsidian , nether rwactor core or maybe invisible bedrock which is like barrior block but if you place it you cant break it unless you use setblock command and pur another block or air block.
i can make any other addon on request 🙂
Can you make an add-on similar to the java mod ender-io. I just want to transport items thru conduits/cables. I don't need anything else from that mod.
Can u make a plushie addon so we can have some cute plushies as I need them for my server so bad
Can you make an add-on similar to the java mod ender-io. I just want to transport items thru conduits/cables. I don't need anything else from that mod.
can you plz provide with that download link? and i think it should not really be possible bcause that would be java and if it is a mod thenits imposibble due to addon limits in bedrock
Can u make a plushie addon so we can have some cute plushies as I need them for my server so bad
will try my best!
but what should it replace and should it breed or how to get more of them and how many hearts they should have plus should they attack player and what type of plushies you want? sorry for so many questions
Replace mob heads with creeper teddy bear dolphin and another random on plushie
Replace mob heads with creeper teddy bear dolphin and another random on plushie
You cant replace these items to add them you need to overwrite like parrots or cows or maybe villagers
but you want alive plushies or plushies that can not move?
btw can you tell me server ip and port i wanna join too if you allow..
can you plz provide with that download link? and i think it should not really be possible bcause that would be java and if it is a mod thenits imposibble due to addon limits in bedrock
I cant post links yet on this forum, but if you google search Ender-io you will find it.
Can you make a addon that replaces creepers or endermen with xenomorphs from the alien movies and replace the snowball with a pulse rifle from the movie?
You cant replace these items to add them you need to overwrite like parrots or cows or maybe villagers
but you want alive plushies or plushies that can not move?
btw can you tell me server ip and port i wanna join too if you allow..
Can I have a plushie that dose not move many thanks