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Do you think there should be a Space Update

Trusted Member

Dont you think space is boring then ocean?
i mean clearly there is only a sun and a moon and it has no animation except clouds or movement of sun
what would you want if there was a space update?
i will really want no gravity that will make us fly
i also want space food and space suit plus spaceship

Topic starter Posted : 22/01/2018 6:55 am
Active Member

There should be asteroids that spawn on the ground or in the side of extreme hills. In the asteroids there would be ores - possibly new ones but, they are surrounded by obsidian

Posted : 22/01/2018 10:26 am
Eminent Member

I can see a space update happening but maybe after like a cave or air and then space perhaps.

Posted : 22/01/2018 11:14 am
New Member

I wish you could be able to travel to the moon and build space stations and spaceships but you would need to travel to earth for resorces

Posted : 23/01/2018 10:55 am
Active Member

but to get to space you need 3 types of energy (overworld, nether, end) and have to find rocket parts which will then craft rockets, and you you can find different types which makes it faster? i 🙂

Posted : 23/01/2018 10:59 am
Active Member

Yes i think a space crash biome would be better, a big chunk of space rock that has aliens that try kill you and a mothership with a boss on it

Posted : 23/01/2018 11:15 am
Trusted Member

suggest it on feedback of minecraft

Topic starter Posted : 24/01/2018 7:03 am
Eminent Member

I wish you could be able to travel to the moon and build space stations and spaceships but you would need to travel to earth for resorces

But it would be better that if you got to the moon you basically restart. So basically diamond and stuff isnt good and now there is like power armor and moon related resources that are better than earths. So new ores new weapons new armor new,better nourishing, foods and other things like that.

Posted : 30/01/2018 11:23 am
Trusted Member

And now its confirm to not to be coming

Topic starter Posted : 27/04/2018 11:58 am
Trusted Member

I think tf not. It should be a mod or an addon or something. I don't really want it to be added in Minecraft.

Posted : 29/04/2018 12:50 pm
New Member

Dont you think space is boring then ocean?
i mean clearly there is only a sun and a moon and it has no animation except clouds or movement of sun
what would you want if there was a space update?
i will really want no gravity that will make us fly
i also want space food and space suit plus spaceship

There isn't any valuable content or gameplay that could come from a space update.

Posted : 06/06/2018 12:36 pm