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How to get Custom resource packs on Switch Bedrock

Active Member

How to get Custom resource packs on Switch Bedrock

Before we get started.

This tutorial requires you to modify your console to work, if you attempt this and break something thats on you.

Shaders DO NOT work on Switch either before anyone asks

Tutorial Guide:

- First before you read anything, go watch this video on how to homebrew your Switch:

- Now you will need checkpoint to get the necessary game file:

- In Checkpoint navigate to the Minecraft icon and click "Backup”

- Assuming you did all the above correctly and you have the game files on your Switch memory card, the following is pretty simple and just like installing custom resources on Android.

- You can even just replace all of your “com.mojang” folder on your memory card with the one from Android.

- Once you have finished modifying your game files simply put memory card back in switch and use checkpoints “Recovery” feature to overwrite your old files.

Mario World extraction

Eject SDCard and Insert into PC -> Navigate to SDCard:switchCheckpointsavesx0100D71004694000 Minecraft\gamescom.mojangminecraftWorlds -> Find the Mario Save (Save names are in the Text file within the Save Dir) -> Copy the entire folder to: C:Users\AppDataLocalPackagesMicrosoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbweLocalStategamescom.mojangminecraftWorlds .

Topic starter Posted : 21/06/2018 2:14 am
Active Member

If decide to follow the steps you will lose your warranty and may break minecraft so until there is a safe way I advise to stay away from this method

Posted : 27/07/2018 6:01 am