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How to Prepare for Minecraft 1.3/1.13!

New Member

Minecraft Java has been receiving snapshots for 1.13(Update Aquatic) for about 2 weeks now. We are probably within 3 months of release. You might be thinking how could I prepare for this amazing Update. This post can tell you many ways you can prepare for 1.3/1.13!

Don't go Travelling in a Direction!

You can still fully experience 1.13/1.3 on old world. What you have to do is just explore new Terrain and you should find the new Oceans. One good way of finding these new oceans is to not go in a direction. For Example. When you spawn in a World you could go exploring South, East and West but not go North so when 1.3 comes out you can go north and find the new Oceans Quicker. If you wont remember where you're trying not to explore, then put a sign like the one in the Picture above to signal that you're not exploring in that direction.

Get yourself lots of Water Breathing and Night Vision Potions!

When you're going to explore the new oceans. You're going to want to see and explore them the best you can. One good way to do this is to brew lots of Night Vision and Water Breathing Potion. Night Vision so you can see better and Water Breathing so you can spend lots of time Underwater. This would be good to do now so it saves you time when the update comes out.

Build a Fish Tank/Aquarium

In 1.3, you will be able to scoop up Fish with water Buckets. You might want to be cruel and place them on surface so they die but assuming you're nice to the fish you might want to give them a home. One way to do this is to build a Fish Tank. Build a Fish Tank out of Glass and put the Fish in there. Or you might want to be more Creative and build an Aquarium. In this Aquarium you could have fish, Turtles and Maybe even Dolphins in the same area. This could make for a fun Survival Project.

Gather Lots of Wood

1.3 Will add Lots of new Blocks to the game. 12 of these new Blocks are Bark Blocks and Stripped Wood blocks, If you want to build with these new blocks you can chop down as many trees as possible whether that's Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia abd Dark oak. This will make it so much Faster and easier to use the new Wood blocks when the update comes out. NOTE: DO NOT TURN THEM INTO PLANKS

Craft Lots of Buckets!

As Previously Mentioned, you will be able to pick up Fish with Water Buckets. If you have built the Aquarium or the Fish Tank, You should probably have lots of Water Buckets Ready. When Scooping up fish make sure the Bucket is a Water Bucket Otherwise it will not pick up the Fish. If you do not do this, you will not be able to pick up as many fish when the update comes out because you will have to mine Iron(if you don't have enough) and craft the buckets. This would save a lot of time.

Enchant your helmet with Aqua Affinity and Respiration.

When You are in the oceans and your trying to dig up some sand or Gravel it can be Painfully slow. When the New underwater Structures come out you're probably going to want to break some blocks. Aqua Affinity will allow you to break blocks at a normal speed instead of the water mining speed. Respiration is used to see better under water so if you have Respiration and Night Vision at the same time, that will be the best you can see underwater.

If You can Craft Shulker Boxes!

Shulker Boxes can be used to store a lot of stuff when you're going to gather a lot of materials. Shulker Boxes could make your life 10x easier.

Topic starter Posted : 28/02/2018 2:52 pm
New Member

I am just going to start a new world. No worries or hassles about anything. Fresh and fun.

Posted : 03/03/2018 6:19 am
New Member

I always start a new world after every major update

Posted : 04/03/2018 2:02 am