Hello there. I am sure as you are all aware millions of people play Minecraft every month and I am sure you have thought "Hey, why don't the developers change this?" or "Why is this bug still in the game?"
Well, I am here today to tell you how YOU, yes YOU can let your voice be heard by the developers.
Firstly, if you have ANY feedback for Minecraft PE/Bedrock it is best to post it on https://feedback.minecraft.net/forums/578101-minecraft-bedrock . I would ask you first though to PLEASE check before you post you suggestion and if you see a suggestion that you like, you can upvote it and tweet it out to make sure it gets added.
Secondly, if you find ANY bugs in the game, please report them on http://bugs.mojang.com . It is important that you look to see if your bug is already up as if you post a duplicate, it will be posted as *Duplicate*.
Thirdly, there are AMAZING community coordinators on the team and they are all on twitter. We have Helen Zbihlyj who is our community manager. You can tweet @HelenAngel for any help. We have out community coordinators as well who are Matt Gartzke (@MattGartzke), Jess
(@Jess_MCTeam ), Corey Clemans ( @CoreyClemans ) and Mega Spud ( @Mega_Spud ). They are all here to help and interact with the community.
Thank you.
thank you mega, that helped me out!