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Installing maps on Xbox one

New Member

Can someone let met how to install survival maps on my Xbox (in simple language pls). I have looked all round this site and no instructions. Got two maps on USB and two maps on Xbox but don't show up in mc. Thanks in advance.

Topic starter Posted : 08/07/2018 9:57 am
Eminent Member

Can someone let met how to install survival maps on my Xbox (in simple language pls). I have looked all round this site and no instructions. Got two maps on USB and two maps on Xbox but don't show up in mc. Thanks in advance.

Sorry but you can’t do that you need a Xbox 360

Posted : 08/07/2018 12:52 pm
Active Member

Well you can if you don't have a xbox 360 but it requires a skill in modding you xbox (software not hardware) and get a launcher that alows minecraft to detect .mcworld files and import

It made be hard and you may break your console but you will no matter lose your warranty so if your comfortable go online and find out to software mod you console to allow .mcworlds files to imported

Posted : 27/07/2018 7:03 pm
New Member

The only reason you can't import .mcworld files easily is because there's no UI or process on the Xbox One's OS to allow importation of files into the game. Minecraft itself can do it but the OS can't.

Posted : 01/08/2018 6:26 pm
New Member

It's a stupid situation with the maps, if I have win 10 or java you can install maps no prob but consoles no. I have to ask why do I have Xbox one, I mean your limited by rules plus Xbox you have to buy gold to play while the other versions you just need a standard account makes no sense why we have to pay extra for less choice.
Wish I'd bought win 10 version.

Topic starter Posted : 05/08/2018 5:33 am
New Member

You can put them on a realm on mobile or pc then download it on Xbox

Posted : 05/08/2018 3:46 pm