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The switch bedrock version will soon be available. Do you think that the 1.3 beta should soon release because the first java snapshot is out? I personally would like to see the 1.3 beta soon. Sorry for ios user that don't get beta builds. 😩
Topic starter Posted : 14/02/2018 5:09 pm
Beta builds have to go through cert testing, Snapshots for PC do not so I expect the first beta for 1.3 in the coming weeks 🙂
Posted : 14/02/2018 7:13 pm
#mmu ecko can you tell mod devolopers to add mods for inner core. speaking of inner core can you do a mod lets play with all of inner cores mods. can you also give me a shoutout, my youtube chanel is called juan camacho. to help them find my channel put super friend juan camacho
Posted : 16/02/2018 12:47 am