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Minecraft Community Team: Who are they?

Honorable Member

Minecraft Community Team: Who are they?

This is the beginning image the community stream always start with when they start streaming.

So as I am sure as most of you are aware, Minecraft has many offices and many employees all around the globe, ranging from the UK to Sweden to the USA. But you might not have known that there are employees who are all on 1 team: the Community team. There are 5 employees of the community team as of the 13th February 2018.


Helen Angel is the community manager for Minecraft. She joined the Minecraft team a few years ago as the community manager. She always helps people with issues, questions and enquiries they may have about Minecraft.
Her twitter contact is

Matt Gartzke

Matt Gartzke (mainly known to most people as Gartzke) is one of the many community coordinators on the Minecraft team.He joined the Minecraft team back in 2016. He is the main guy who sorts out streaming issues and who writes the changelogs for updates. Fun fact: Gartzke did streams with Helen on Minecraft before he joined the Minecraft team!
His twitter contact is .


Corey joined the Minecraft team back in 2017. He is the Latin American community coordinator for Minecraft. He can speak many languages! Some include Portuguese and Russian. If you speak another language, he is your main man! Fun fact: Corey and Helen worked together before joining the Minecraft team. Here is a video of both of them doing a challenge!
His Twitter contact is .


Jess joined the community team in 2017 like Corey. Before joining the Minecraft team, herself and Corey did streams on the Minecraft Portuguese channel. Jess mainly focuses on the helping people with questions, live streams and the Minecraft Community realm.
Fun Fact: Jess and Corey have known each other for many years!
Her twitter is

Mega Spud

Mega Spud also joined the community team in 2017. He is a community coordinator and bug tester for the bug tracker. He mainly focuses on trying to get bug reports, get the bug reports on the bug tracker.
His twitter is

Topic starter Posted : 13/02/2018 12:42 pm