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New Member

Hey guys,
I am really struggling to collect slime. I go to the swampland a#during full moon and I dug out a few chunks when I have found a slime underground. Am I missing something?


Topic starter Posted : 23/02/2018 5:32 am
Active Member

What is your difficulty set on? The harder the difficulty the more slime you should find.

Posted : 27/02/2018 12:14 pm
Active Member

Hey guys,
I am really struggling to collect slime. I go to the swampland a#during full moon and I dug out a few chunks when I have found a slime underground. Am I missing something?


slimes will only spawn underground below Y level 40 also keep in mind there has been a lot of trouble with mob spawning in the past few updates. it could just be broken right now.

Posted : 28/02/2018 2:28 am
Active Member

slimes will only spawn underground below Y level 40 also keep in mind there has been a lot of trouble with mob spawning in the past few updates. it could just be broken right now.

He is in a swampland so they spawn in higher Y levels. Difficulty recommended is hard and kill all the mobs you see because they take up the mob cap and makes slime spawns harder to get.

Posted : 28/02/2018 5:08 am
Reputable Member

I have the same issue in swamps, pretty sure it's a big... best advice I can give you is do it underground mine out large areas around level 12,11 🙂

Posted : 28/02/2018 7:37 am
Trusted Member

I have the same issue in swamps, pretty sure it's a big... best advice I can give you is do it underground mine out large areas around level 12,11 🙂

I know de wae search on google slime finder for pe
it will give you some chinks that are green dig ther about3 blocks up in level 12 so you may found diamonds also you should do that where there are more chunks and you will found slime you nedd to stay 33 blocks above fromthe chunks 🙂 hope it helps and btw you can meake slime farm chunkbase its the same like pc btw if you make one in pe then build only two layer due to chunk spawning in pe i have checked the code if you add more ground on the ground it will not work cause slimes spawn directly up on the code base and slime cap is also in mob cap so thats why you should lite up up caves in 96 blocks yes 96 not 128

Posted : 28/02/2018 1:02 pm