March 16, 2018- Latest Post
Hi all! I haven't posted in quite a bit (I have been busy). I built a unicorn! It's not the best, but it's okay. I got inspired from a drawing from google images. The Unicorn is vomiting rainbows in the first two snapshots. Hope you like it!
March 2, 2018
StrawberryBuildsStuff- Ecko's Pig partying and eating
Hey, everyone! This build is a picture of Ecko's Pig eating (whatever stuff pigs eat). I made the food dripping down from his face because he's a pig and eats like a slob (no offense). He put a candle on his 'grub' because he wants to live life and celebrate even if it's not his birthday.:cool: I hope Ecko see's this lol
(I know I built this, but the party hat I made for his pig looks like a flippin' Christmas tree. I'm sorry ;~; xD)
Shoot, I should've added balloons. Too late. ANYWAYS, here are the pics
March 1, 2018
Strawberry Builds Stuff- You want some noodles?
Hey, guys. This was a build of my dinner a couple of days ago. It was like noodles with cilantro, chicken, soy sauce, Chinese noodles, garlic, red peppers and more. It didn't really look yellow, but it's just a build. I hope you like it! 😀 (Also, huge credit to the YouTuber Lion Games. I used his fork build)
March 1, 2018
StrawberryBuildsStuff- Crying Cookie
Hey, guys! So, I built something like this a long time ago. I was like 11 or 12. I originally used wool, but because of all the new blocks added, I decided to recreate it. It's a build of milk spilling on a cookie. Doesn't this remind you of that Gingy scene from Shrek?
Can we take a moment and appreciate that face the cake made. Like, "OH SHOOT! WHAT THE HECK!". xD
(Please ignore the other builds in the background. And also, I love food lol)
February 26, 2018
StrawberryBuildsStuff- Candy Crazy
Hey, guys! I think I've got a hang of this website now.
Anyways, I built CANDY!!! Who doesn't like candy? Some of my inspiration came from google images :p. I built the bucket myself (a friend suggested I should build it.) I hope you like it. Maybe if someone decides to create a candyland map *wink* *wink* I can give them some ideas. 😀
I added lollipops, little tiny pieces of candy, gumdrops, a candy cane and one fruit gusher. (the green one with stuff aka the liquid coming out)
Nice build, this is pretty cool 😀
This is too cute, I love your piggie.
Happy build creations! We need more like you 🙂
Pop in and colour a survival world I say any day.
This is too cute, I love your piggie.
Happy build creations! We need more like you 🙂
Pop in and colour a survival world I say any day.
Aww, thank you so much! Your kind words inspire me to build awesome things. Even if they are random. <3
Check out my latest post- Unicorn!