
The Update that Min...
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The Update that Minecraft needs!!

New Member

The Construction Update

One of the key things which made Minecraft popular was building so it is fair to say that building deserves an update. But what is there to be added to the game.

Builders must use third-party applicants like Voxelsniper or Worldedit to effortlessly terraform their builds' environment. I suggest the tools be added which act like the brushes in voxelsniper. There should be a raise tool and dig tool. The tools should be upgraded like the tools which are already in the game (wood, stone, iron, diamond). Each tier should have a bigger radius. These tools should be a creative only feature.

Construction Stations and Blueprints
Construction Stations are basically structure blocks are survival. So that it wouldn't be overpowered the construction station can only save builds of a 32 x 32 x 32 volume. Also in order to save a build, a blueprint must be inside of construction stations. Since the build is being saved to the blueprint, you will need the blueprint as well as the materials to rebuild the structures.

Some blocks are rotation based so if you right-click a rotational block with the wrench it is rotated to face you.

If you are a YouTuber and you wish to use this as a video idea, please do. I would love the developers to see my ideas and to get your feedback and ideas so send me them

Topic starter Posted : 16/04/2018 7:18 pm
Eminent Member

I dont find this that great ofban idea. Maby having a villiger that can build or something for one of your ideas. But i find most of these unreasonable. And made by someone who dosnt want to take the time doing the same things normally.
Also look up world painter if you want a good terrain editor.

Posted : 19/04/2018 9:16 am
New Member

I think this is too much for vanilla Minecraft. Too OP. After Update Aquatic, and a Nether/Fire update, we could have an update focusing on construction, but more realistic things that actually belong in Minecraft. New block type, alongside stairs and slabs, could be cool. But, in my opinion, there are more important things to focus on in Minecraft.

Posted : 19/04/2018 10:00 am