- It has to be releated to the ocean, or any body of water, in some way.
- Please make sure its something that makes sense. (So nothing like spaceships or aliens.)
That is all and i really want to see what you guys want added!
Some sort of harder boss that is harder to deal with than guardians. It would make the trident more useful. Also you are always expected to find a guardian in an ocean monument. Yes I voted for mob a. =D
Yeah i do agree we need something a bit harder. Perhaps have an underwater world that has its own portal that has to be assambled using items from the Update Aquatic like idk do some sort of pattern with blocks it makes this like portal thing but to be able to go through you have to toss in a trident and whatever treasure items are added to gain access? And then you can fight like a crazy boss(dimension would look like the underwater part form story mode season 2?)
I'd love to see some kind of water challenge Mob, we are getting shipwrecks but I want them to be challenging! 😎
- It has to be releated to the ocean, or any body of water, in some way.
- Please make sure its something that makes sense. (So nothing like spaceships or aliens.)
That is all and i really want to see what you guys want added!
Like they add magma in water
its like bringing nether in overworld
i think there should be a feature in which they would have nether portal randomly generated in ocean
that will be really cool to go to nether portal within the ocean
and i think they should make turtle drop some armour but helen says that turtle will drop nothing
Helen said dolphins would drop nothing. Turtles still might drop stuff.