Hi it's me Connor from the YouTube channle Connor Minecraft. Previously at E3 Minecraft announced that four cross compatible servers would be released. These include Lifeboat, Mineplex, In PVP, and Cubecraft. However Cubecraft has not been available on the options. Also at Minecon Earth 2017 Lydia Winters announced that Cubecraft and the Hive would be realesing soon. Although that was in November and as if now there hasn't even been news from Cobecraft on there Twitter page and they were announced in September at E3! Also a few days ago a video was released on the Team Mojang YouTube channle about the servers. Although it didn't mention anything about Cubecraft and the Hive. Does this make you question what's going on with Minecraft developers and does servers? it certainly makes me.
My YouTube Channle - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCimMAD2uhz--ieETL__BkLQ
Cubecraft is still indev and hive pe doesn't even exist anymore. Its been confirmed that hive won't be coming anytime soon