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MCPE/Bedrock 3D Armor Details

Illustrious Member Admin

3D Armor Details


Are you tired of the normal armor models? Do you want to make yourself look more formidable when you’re stacked with great armor? Well say no more as 3D Armor Details is the answer. It is a texture pack that modifies the look of the vanilla armor models into something much more interesting.






3D Armor Details – Update #2



  • Only the first armor texture files are holding the 3D Details. (textures\models\armor\”diamond_1.png”;”gold_1.png”;”iron_1.png”;”chain_1.png”;”leather_1.png”)  

-> You are allowed to use this pack as an overlay to your other packs as long as I am credited.

-> Modifying the 3D models is strictly prohibited.

-> Let me know if you have any suggestions for any future updates/releases of this pack.

Follow me on Twitter: @Rejixide

Last updated on: November 13, 2020

  • Modified Leather Armor set into a dyeable Cow Armor + quiver set
  • Added Netherite details



1. Download the .mcpack file from the provided Mediafire link above.

2. Double click/open the pack for Minecraft to import it to your device.

3. Go to Settings -> Resource Packs and enable the pack.

4. Done! Join a world or a server and take a look at the armor. Enjoy!

creator: rejixide


Topic starter Posted : 14/11/2020 1:20 pm