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MCPE/Bedrock 3D Mobs for Bedrock

Illustrious Member Admin

3D Mobs for Bedrock


This pack makes 14 different mobs look more 3-D. It includes creepers, skeletons, husks, and many more! Keep in mind that i will be improving the pack and adding more mobs every once in a while. If you see any thing that looks broken or unfinished comment and I will fix it. Also note that the texture pack might not work if it isn’t first priority.


Mob Changes-

-Skeleton, Wither Skeleton, And Stray- Added 3-D Rib Cage and Skull (Can change skull to be completely hollow by pressing the gear on the texture pack)(You may also have to restart your game it to apply.)

-Creeper- Added 3-D Face


-Bee- Added 3-D Legs, stinger, and antennae.

-Husk and Zombie- Added Brain and Mouth

-Shulker- Added 3-D shell

-Chicken- Added 3-D feet

-Cow- Added 3-D udders and ears

-Snow Golem- Added 3-D buttons and improved face (while sheared)

-Spider- Added more realistic pose

+ Also made shield handle 3-D and Arrow 3-D.


- Added the 3-D brain and mouth to Zombies

- Fixed an issue with the sheep texture

- Cleaned up a few other minor bugs


creator: CheezeeHobo


Topic starter Posted : 16/11/2020 8:20 pm