Animated RGB XP Bar + Inv. GUI
IMPORTANT: Read carefully before download and use!
By @CrisXolt,
A UI pack to make an animated RGB (Or Chroma) XP bar and level number!
But, there’s more! ;D
And no, it’s not affiliated by Razer or Corsair.
RGB XP Bar features:
- Animated RGB XP Bar and Number with total of 40 frames (Very smooth)!
- For now it is not compatible with external HD textures. But I have added subpack to select appearance between 16x and 32x bar texture. 😉
- Added the file “_global_variables.json”, so you can freely customize. ;D
[New] RGB Inv. GUI features
- Not only does it include the Hotbar RGB in the HUD, it also includes all the inventory screens, with the appearance of Bedrock UI (Powered by VDX: Mixed UI).
- It is not compatible for low-end mobile devices. So, don’t even ask, I’m still finding a solution.
I did not use the simple method of animating UI, I used another method in order to use the texture with vertical flipbook for animation. 😉
.GIF version of Screenshot (Animated):
And that’s not all:
Just make sure you put this RGB XP Bar Resource Pack higher than VDX: Java UI.
And, of course, here is the way to customize this resource pack!
Terms of use:
You’re allowed to:
- Make review about this pack, as long as you credit me as “@CrisXolt”. And put original download link in description (This MCBedrock forum post).
You’re NOT allowed to:
- Make customized APK/APPX and monetized content (pirate modifications), no one will have the permission.
- Steal my .JSON and .UIDX file and my code design claiming this work as your, no one will have the permission. Specially not modify/erase the text in the first line code in each .json file. (Example text: //File Made/Modified by @CrisXolt).
- Repost this resource pack made by me in other pages.
- Do not use for third-party projects, much less to merge with “Concept Clients” resource packs.
Final note:
Seriously, those default .json UI files is made originally by Mojang, actually are modified by me for entertainment purposes.
Just enjoy and good luck ;D.
- Updated for 1.16.x
- Fixed the experience bar visual bug when changing the safe area of the screen.
- Added subpack for RGB XP Bar.
- Added a new feature: RGB Inv. GUI, but it only works for Win10 and high-end mobile devices. Later I will find the solution.
- First wait >10 seconds, just click "free access with ads" and click "discover articles" and close it, nothing else, and then click on "continue" button. Note: I'm sorry, but I do this to make sure I get support and continue to update my projects. D; But, if you really don't like support me, I suggest you visit my twitter @CrisXolt, there will be direct links in this tweet.
- After this, the Mediafire page will appear, click the download green button to get the file.
- Open .mcpack to launch Minecraft and import resource pack automatically.
- Settings > Global Resources > Apply the resource pack.
- Enjoy with colorful XP Bar and some UI Inventory screens! ;D