Bedrock Plus Texture Pack 0.5
Hello, welcome to my texture pack, I hope you like it, and sorry if I left it halfway... If you want me to help you with a texture please let me know on my twitter
Hello, my name is regv and I want to show you my texture pack
This texture has the idea of adding things to a retro and modern styles
I must give you the message that this will be the last time that I will update bedrock plus because I no longer feel the same emotion that I have felt a long time ago, but this is not goodbye, I will continue doing textures in addons, But I will stop adding content to bedrock plus
I hope you understand friends, see you later 😁
-new pig texture
-new cow texture
New sheep texture
New blocks and items textures
The colormap is now the same as vanilla
-And much more
Click on download