Do you want your minecraft in mobile look like PC? yes PC UI is perfect resource pack for you, this pack add and change minecraft in Mobile look like in PC
Hide all button on the screen
invisible f1 button on bottom right, also f8 button left next to f1 button

items hover system

trading hover text

button hover for loom and stonecutter screen

hide interact text and interact button

quick crafting button in the arrow, and quick trade under trade button

you can double tap on items in creative to get it

Boss health now have correct position

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb46XdGOS8vLLF-ObHXx0SQ
add quick craft for stonecutter and quick trade button
inventory button now don’t have sound
add f8 button
add autocomplete button
boss health now have correct position
remove selected cell image in inventory screen