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MCPE/Bedrock Better Bee Model Texture Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Better Bee Model Texture Pack


This texture pack changes the bee model and textures! The models were made by me, same for the textures. Hope you enjoy, please don’t steal any model or texture.

By Ftere


This pack didn’t took much to be made, i really hope you like It. The bee model was made by me on blockbench and it’s based on real life bees. The textures where made by me using blockbench. I posted the pack sooner on my discord server, there you can follow my projects, get help with my pack and obtain some permissions.

My discord server

The bee in a structure block gui:

The Bee with honey

I am open to every suggestion.

In game screenshots:

  1. The bees still take the pollen from flowers.
  2. They attack you in group.
  3. They lose their stinger.
  4. And their eyes are slightly more red when they are angry.

Since it’s a texture pack you can activate It from options to have It always enabled.


Changed the featured image to a bigger (more pixels) in game screenshot.


Topic starter Posted : 21/09/2020 8:20 am