Better Enchantment Names & Saturation Points
Since a few versions ago Mojang added certain emojis to Minecraft Java, however they are not available for vanilla Bedrock yet, but with this pack I add 14 characters for you to use in the chat or signs in your world!
(Available in English US - UK, Spanish MX - ES and Brazilian Portuguese).
You have 4 options:

The same monochromatic Icons but with the Decimal Numering System (1 - 10):


The same Detailed Icons but with the Decimal Numering System (1 - 10)

Saturation Points Indicator:
If you choose the Monochromatic Icons, the indicator will look like this:

But if you choose the Detailed Icons, the indicator will look like this:

IF YOU'RE ON MINECRAFT FOR WINDOWS 10 you can use these icons in your game by pressing the Alt key plus the corresponding numbers of the icon you want to write:
- For the chicken thigh use 457 (╔) and for the half chicken thigh use 458 (╩).

- Updated "manifest.json" for Minecraft 1.18 and above.
- Fixed minor bugs.
fixed some visual bugs that happened when you renamed an item with an enchantment.