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Boosted Render Distance for 1.20
This resource pack extends the max render distance in the overworld, nether, end, lava, lava with fire resistance, and has options for brighter skies in the nether and end. The lava distance and powder snow distance limits are maxed out too.
Water view distance. The Water color for each biome remains the same.

Basalt deltas:

Crimson forest:

Lava visibility:

nether wastes:

powder snow:

soul sand valley:

water visibility:

warped forest:

- Recreated all the images used for showcase
- Added powder snow fog removal
- Visibility limitation for lava is removed
- Split into two packs
There are two packs to install. The environment one changes the fog for underwater, in lava, powder snow, and overworld rain. It is not possible to change the darkness effect range.
The nether + end one should be self explanatory
Topic starter Posted : 18/03/2021 11:58 am
Topic starter Posted : 06/12/2023 2:47 pm