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Better Phantoms
Better Phantoms aims to make the Bedrock Edition implementation of Phantoms far less annoying. This is achieved by only allowing 1 spawn per night, improving their AI, and tweaking their hitbox size.
1 spawn per night
- Spawn attempts are now made on an 8-minute delay using the same delayed spawning system that Pillager Patrols use.
- This means that Phantoms are effectively limited to one spawn per night. (Though they can still spawn during thunderstorms)
- Each spawn attempt and the mob limit are now influenced by world difficulty. On EASY 1-2 Phantoms will spawn. On NORMAL 1-3 Phantoms will spawn, and on HARD 1-4 Phantoms will spawn.
- This means that the maximum number of phantoms that can exist is reduced from 5 (Default) to either 2, 3, or 4.
Improved AI
- Phantoms will swoop down more often and more consistently, meaning you no longer have to wait for ages between each attack.
- Phantoms will tend to fly at a lower altitude, making ranged weapons a more reliable way of dealing with them.
Before / After

Tweaked hitboxes
- Phantoms have a larger hitbox, making it easier to attack them.
- Phantoms have reduced reach, so they cannot attack you from as far away.
- Their block collision hitbox is also slightly reduced, so they are less likely to get stuck.
Before / After

Made by samasaurus6 a.k.a SammySeiso:
- Updated the add-on and added images to illustrate the changes.
Topic starter Posted : 04/09/2022 11:42 am