Better Settings Screen
Have you always been upset about the annoying Minecraft menu? Those days are over now! Download the new world setting screen of LakhdarLP. It's completely free and you don't have to worry about viruses or anything at all.
This resource pack simplifies the world setting screen. You don't have to keep scrolling down to change the main options.
I'll show you all the important features now.
The settings with "Starting Map" and "Bonus Chest" are only displayed when the world is created, as they cannot be changed later.
The setting "Player permission when joining from invite" is now on the Multiplayer tab
The sliders for World Options and Cheats are arranged next to each other
Minecraft's experiments are at the bottom of the list.
You can now export worlds on Android devices. The game may crash while exporting on iOS devices. This means that your device is not supported.
1. Press the "Download NOW" button
2. Press "Continue to"
3. Press "Download" and close Advertisement if a new window opens.
4. Open the downloaded file with Minecraft.
5. Go to "Settings" -> "Global Resources" -> "My Packs" -> "Better World Settings Menu" -> "Activate"
6. Have fun !!